[ track list ]
01. Theme et Variations, Op.73 (Fauré)
02. 13eme Nocturne, Op.119 (Fauré)
03. 2eme Valse-Caprice, Op.38 (Fauré)
Listen ! 04. Pieces breves pour piano, Op.84-1 (Fauré)
05. 3eme Barcarolle, Op.42 (Fauré)
[All tracks from ZODIAC LPZ-1003 r.1950s]
Format : 1 Audio CD (pressed), mini LP jacket
New Re-Mastering in Automn 2015.
Transfer & Mastering : Hisao Natsume (Sakuraphon)
(DSD transfer, 32bit192kHz re-mastering, MONO)
Quote from Original LP.
"JEAN VERD, famous in Europe and America until ill health forced him into semi-retirement at the age of 37, was known as a recitalist, player of chamber music, teacher, and accompanist for some of the finest perform-ing artists, including Casals, Povia Frisch, Thibaud, and Ysaye. He now lives in Europe, dividing his time between Kreuzlingen, in Switzerland, and his home in Magagnosc, in the south of France. When Paris-born Jean Verd took the first prize for piano playing at the Paris Conservatoire in 1907, the occasion was not without drama. Young Mr. Verd fainted as he was about to begin the contest piece, but after the other contestants had performed he returned to play so beautifully that the jury and critics themselves were overcome with emotion. Faure was then director of the Conservatoire, and at his request they sat together often on various examining boards. Mr. Verd soon became most active on the Parisian musical scene—for example, playing the solo piano part with Vincent D'Indy conducting his own Symphony on a Mountain Air, and performing with Ravel (from manuscript) that composer's La Mere l'Oye. He also played privately for hours on end for Nijinsky while the great dancer sat motionless, creating ballet figures in his head. Jean Verd first- visited the U.S. in 1915 and came again at the end of World War I to teach at the Cincinnati Conservatory until 1925. His career thus outlined gives only slight indication of the worth and influence of his talent and personality. The attention of the public is forced always upon the constant and repetitive series of performances of the touring virtuosos, but beyond that there are some musicians less in the public eye whose exchange of ideas and influence on fellow artists has profound significance. Mr. Verd's personal remembrances include such a variety of personalities as Mme. Viardot-Garcia, Emile Olivier, M. Eiffel, Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt, Cardinal Gibbons, Theodore Roosevelt, Dr. Albert C. Barnes, Henri Matisse, Camille Pissaro, Olin Downes, Beerbohm, Tree, Isadora Duncan, the Fratellinis, Fritz Kreisler, Lucien Capet, Georges Enesco, Jean Rivier, Paul Paray, besides the performers named above. They are of interest here because of their respect and affection for Jean Verd. Though he does not often play before the public, Jean Verd is quite active musically. He spends his time discovering and practicing new music, keeping in touch with the musical world, and fulfilling the self-imposed responsibility of furthering the world's appreciation of the music of Gabriel Faure. Whoever, musician or not, has had the privilege of spend-ing just one afternoon in Magagnosc with Jean Verd has gone away with a determination to talk and play Faure with the enthusiasm of a crusader. Jean Verd is, to put it simply, one of the spirits of music in our times."
仏ピアニズムの本流であるルイ・ディエメ門下のジャン・ヴェールによって演奏された枯淡のフォーレ。画家アンドレ・コルデイユによる秀逸なヴェールの肖像からなるレコードジャケットは、ピアニスト自身の持つの仄暗い幽玄な雰囲気をよく表している。ジャン・ヴェールが、舞踊家のニジンスキー(Vaslav Nijinski)の死の床で請われてピアノを弾いたという逸話が今日まで伝えられているが、果たしてどんな曲を弾いたのであろうか。
生来の病弱であったジャン・ヴェールは37歳で早々と演奏活動からリタイアしてしまった。また録音もほとんど行っておらず、このアルバム以外にはピアノソロのレコードを残していない(例外として1916年VictorにPovla Frischのピアノ伴奏で録音を残している)。隠遁した後は限られた人々の前にしか姿を現すことも無く、このレコードがヴェールの芸術を知る唯一の手掛かりとなっていることもこのレコードの存在価値を高めている。
01. 主題と変奏 作品73
02. 夜想曲 第13番 作品119
03. ワルツ・カプリス第2番 作品38
04. ピアノのための小品 第1番 作品84
05. 舟歌 第3番 作品42
total time : 35 min 47sec.
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