SOUVENIR DE MARIE PANTHÈS 1871-1955 / マリー・パンテ ラジオ放送録音 (This is Digital Item)
2,180 JPY
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Panthès, Marie (3 Nobember 1871 - 11 March 1955)
Panthès was born in Odessa (Russian Empire) of French parents. She studied the piano at the Conservatoire de Paris in an upper grade class, then with Alexis-Henri Fissot(1843-1896) and Louise-Aglaé Massart-Masson where she won first prize at the age of 14. In 1897, she toured with the violinist Alexandre Petschnikoff and became famous thanks to numerous European tours.
In 1904, she began teaching at the Conservatoire de musique de Genève. She then left this post in 1917 because of differences of opinion with the conservatory committee. She moved with her violinist husband, Maurice Darier, to Lausanne.
She returned to Geneva in 1931 and taught for twenty years at the Conservatoire de musique de Genève.
In 1951, she said she stopped because she suffered from a melanoma in her head. In 1954, she began treatment with a cancer specialist in New York, Dr. Revici.She died there on 11 March 1955 at the age of 83. Her grave is located at Cimetière des Rois in Geneva. Among her notable students were Julien-François Zbinden, Johnny Aubert, Isabelle Nef and Marguerite Roesgen-Champion.
The original LP for the 10th anniversary of the death of Marie Panthès († March 11, 1955) this souvenir disc was prepared by a group of friends of the great deceased pianist, in collaboration with the Geneva Studio of Swiss Broadcasting. Even today, it is extremely popular with music lovers as the definitive performance of Chopin and Liszt.. With this complete reissued, we have performed more polite and high-quality remastering.
01. Prelude in D-flat major, Op. 28-15 “Raindrop”
♫02. Nocturne No.15 in F minor, Op. 55-1
03. Etude No.19 in C# minor, Op. 25-7
04. Mazurka No.13 in A minor, Op. 17-4
05. Berceuse in D-flat major, Op. 57
LISZT ( 3 pieces from Années de Pèlerinage III, S163)
06. No.6 Marche Funèbre
07. No.5 Sunt Lacrymae Rerum
08. No.7 Sursum Corda
09. Interview de Marie Panthès par Lyne Anska
Recorded 2 May 1949(5), 1951(9), 3 Jan.1952(6~8), 8 Oct.1953(1~3)~Radio-Genève & 1937(4)~Pathé-Marconi.
Format : MONO Audio CD, 4P paper sleeve
Mastering: Hisao Natsume, DSD transfer, 32bit192kHz Re-mastering
TOTAL TIME : 52’24”
● ショパン
01. 前奏曲 変ニ長調, Op.28-15 “雨だれ”
♫02. 夜想曲 No.15 へ短調, Op.55-1
03. エチュード No.19 嬰ハ短調, Op.25-7
04. マズルカ No.13 イ短調, Op.17-4
05. 子守歌 変ニ長調, Op. 57
● リスト ( 「巡礼の年 第三年, S163」より)
06. No.6 葬送行進曲
07. No.5 ものみな涙あり
08. No.7 心を高めよ
● 09. マリー・パンテへのインタビュー(1951年)
偉大なるピアニスト、マリー・パンテはフランス人の両親のオデッサ(ロシア帝国)で生まれました。彼女はパリ国立高等音楽院で高学年のクラスでピアノを学び、その後 Alexis-Henri Fissot(1843-1896)と Louise-Aglaé Massart-Masson に師事、14歳で1位を獲得。高名なヴァイオリニストである Alexandre Petschnikoff とヨーロッパで演奏旅行を行い成功を収めました。
1904年、パンテはジュネーブ音楽院で教え始め、1917年に保守的な委員会との意見の相違のためにこのポストを去り、バイオリニストの夫である Maurice Darierと一緒にローザンヌへ移住。
彼女の著名な学生の中には、Julien-François Zbinden、Johnny Aubert、Isabelle Nef、Marguerite Roesgen-Champion などそうそうたるメンバーを輩出。
FORMAT:WAV (44.1khz 16bit)
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